"The day is here at last, huh?" Referring to the Makai Bujutsukai,
speaking to Yuusuke.
"They said that all 6272 participants will be split up into blocks
of 49 each, which will then go through the preliminaries." Referring to the Makai Bujutsukai, speaking to Yuusuke and
"Everyone seems to winning smoothly, huh?" Speaking to Touya
about their team-mates victories. (Shishiwaka gets eaten, then shrinks into an imp and giggles. It's funny, especially the
face Suzuki makes.)
"We're going to fight like we mean it!" To Jin, after both
Chuu and Rinku fell in love. (Not... with each other. I've seen that pairing before. Rinku with Sasuga, and Chuu with Natsume.)